LIU Jinsheng,DING Ping,YANG Peng,et al.Experimental analysis of the influence of adjustable guide vane on the performance of bidirectional submersible tubular pump device[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2023,(01):13-17,27.
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- Title:
Experimental analysis of the influence of adjustable guide vane on the performance of bidirectional submersible tubular pump device
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
刘金生1; 丁平1; 2; 杨澎1; 吕玉婷2; 杨帆2*
(1.扬州市水利工程建设中心,江苏 扬州225000;2.扬州大学水利科学与工程学院,江苏 扬州225009)
- Author(s):
LIU Jinsheng1; DING Ping1; 2; YANG Peng1; LYU Yuting2; YANG Fan2*
(1.Water Conservancy Project Construction Center of Yangzhou City, Yangzhou 225000, China;2.College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China)
- 关键词:
扬州闸泵站; 潜水贯流泵装置; 可调导叶; 模型试验
- Keywords:
Yangzhou Sluice Pumping Station; submersible tubular pump device; adjustable guide vane; model test
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
为确保扬州闸泵站双向潜水贯流泵装置水力性能的优异性,采用物理模型试验方法测试了配有双可调导叶的双向潜水贯流泵装置的能量性能、空化性能和飞逸特性,并对比分析灯泡体位置对双向贯流泵装置水力性能的影响。结果表明:在排涝工况时泵装置采用后置灯泡体(HZ),引水工况为前置灯泡体(QZ)的技术方案。叶片安放角-2°时,扩散可调导叶的调节角20°下HZ泵装置效率为66.2%,流量为267.03 L/s;直可调导叶的调节角12°下QZ泵装置效率为64.1%,流量为250.46 L/s。在排涝工况最高扬程3.81 m时,叶轮的必需汽蚀余量为6.9 m;在引水工况最高扬程1.2 m时,叶轮的必需汽蚀余量为5.8 m。在校核电机和水泵强度时建议采用2.5倍额定转速,确保电机和水泵能在排涝工况381.42 r/min时运转2 min以上。
- Abstract:
In order to ensure the superiority of the hydraulic performance of the bidirectional submersible tubular pump device in Yangzhou Sluice Pumping Station, the physical model test method was used to test the energy performance, cavitation performance and runaway characteristics of the bidirectional submersible tubular pump device with double adjustable guide vanes, and the influence of the position of the bulb body on the hydraulic performance of the bidirectional tubular pump device was compared and analyzed. The results show that : in the drainage conditions, the pump device adopts rear bulb (HZ), and the water diversion condition is front bulb (QZ). When the blade angle is -2°, the efficiency of the HZ pump device is 66.2 % and the flow rate is 267.03 L/s when the adjustment angle of the diffusion adjustable guide vane is 20°. The efficiency of QZ pump is 64.1 % and the flow rate is 250.46 L/s when the straight adjusting guide vane adjustable angle is 12°. When the maximum head of drainage is 3.81 m, the necessary cavitation margin of impeller is 6.9 m. When the maximum head of water diversion is 1.2 m, the necessary cavitation margin of the impeller is 5.8 m. When checking the strength of the motor and pump, it is recommended to use 2.5 times the rated speed to ensure that the motor and pump can operate for more than 2 minutes at 381.42 r/min under drainage conditions.
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