CHEN Dongfeng,XUE Mingming,GUO Yunshu,et al.Development and test of in situ reduction device for river sediment[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2023,(09):59-65.
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- Title:
Development and test of in situ reduction device for river sediment
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
陈东风1; 薛明明2; 郭云书1; 王逸2; 张波2
(1. 镇江市防汛防旱抢险中心,江苏 镇江 212002;2. 江苏大学 环境与安全工程学院,江苏 镇江 212016)
- Author(s):
CHEN Dongfeng1; XUE Mingming2; GUO Yunshu1; WANG Yi2; ZHANG Bo2
(1. Zhenjiang Flood Control and Drought Relief Center, Zhenjiang 212002, China;2. School of Environmental and safety engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212016, China)
- 关键词:
底泥消减; 旋流切割; 臭氧氧化技术; 计算流体力学技术
- Keywords:
sediment reduction; cyclone cutting; ozone oxidation technology; computational fluid dynamic technology
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
为应对因河道底泥过度淤积引起的河床升高、河流水位上升等问题,设计了一种河道底泥原位消减装置以实现底泥减量。研究利用计算流体力学技术(CFD)模拟在不同参数条件下装置内部压力分布及流速情况,确认可在旋流切割器内部产生充分涡流。对水力旋流切割器进行应力分析显示,旋流筒所受最大应力为0.203321 MPa,远小于钢材的屈服强度250 MPa,满足应力校核要求。同时,通过数值模拟对比10 mm、15 mm和20 mm 3种旋流桶出水口孔径的内外压差,证明使用15 mm孔径可达到最好的臭氧微气泡产生效果。最终确定
- Abstract:
In order to deal with river bed rise, river water level rise and other problems caused by excessive sediment deposition, a kind of in-situ sediment reduction device is designed to reduce the sediment. In this study, the computational fluid dynamics technology (CFD) was used to simulate the pressure distribution and flow velocity in the hydrocyclone under different parameters, and it was confirmed that sufficient eddy current could be generated in the hydrocyclone. The stress analysis of hydrocyclone cutter shows that the maximum stress of hydrocyclone cylinder is 0.203321 MPa, which is much less than the yield strength of steel of 250 MPa, and meets the stress checking requirements. At the same time, by comparing the pressure difference between inside and outside of the orifice of 10 mm, 15 mm and 20 mm, it is proved that the best ozone microbubbles can be produced by using 15 mm orifice. Finally, it was found that the concentration of ozone in the water increased to 5.65 mg/L within 30 mins of operation. In two tests, the sediment reduction rates of the unit after 7 days operation reached 39.94% and 34.8% respectively, which proved that the unit had good sediment in-situ reduction effect.
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- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:陈东风(1977—),男,高级工程师,主要从事水利工程建设和管理工作。E-mail: 524583135@qq.com
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