CHEN Ben,DING Lei,DING Yue,et al.Application of pneumatic anti-silting technology in the tide gates of Xinyi River estuary hub[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2023,(11):8-12.
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- Title:
Application of pneumatic anti-silting technology in the tide gates of Xinyi River estuary hub
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
陈犇1; 2; 丁磊1; 丁跃3; 杨帆1; 杨啸宇1; 胡志浪3
(1. 南京水利科学研究院,江苏 南京 210024;2. 河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院,江苏 南京 210098;3. 江苏省淮沭新河管理处,江苏 淮安 223005)
- Author(s):
CHEN Ben1; 2; DING Lei1; DING Yue3; YANG Fan1; YANG Xiaoyu1; HU Zhilang3
(1. Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210024, China; 2. College of Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 3. Jiangsu Huaishu Xinhe Management Office, Huai’an 223005, China)
- 关键词:
气动冲沙技术; 海口枢纽挡潮闸; 泥沙淤积; 防淤减淤
- Keywords:
pneumatic anti-silting technology; tide gates of the estuary hub; sediment accumulation; anti-silting and silt reduction
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- 摘要:
近年来,沿海挡潮闸闸下泥沙淤积问题较为突出,传统清淤方法对受季节、现场条件等众多因素影响,清淤效果有待提高。针对新沂河海口枢纽挡潮闸闸下淤积问题,采用了气动冲沙减淤防淤技术进行现场试验研究,并进行效果评估。结果表明:排气气压和喷嘴角度是影响闸下减淤效果的重要因素,排气气压与冲沙坑体积成正相关;喷嘴角度90°适用于清淤范围小且淤积深度较深的情况;喷嘴角度45°适用于清淤范围大且淤积强度中等的情况。综合考虑防淤效果和经济成本,2 mm喷嘴孔径更适用于日常防淤工作。
- Abstract:
In recent years, the problem of sediment deposition under the coastal tidal gate is more prominent. The traditional dredging method is affected by many factors such as season and site conditions, and the dredging effect needs to be improved. Aiming at the problem of siltation under the tide gates of Xinyi River estuary hub, the pneumatic anti-silting and silt reduction technology was used to carry out field test research and evaluate the effect. The results show that the exhaust gas pressure and nozzle angle are important factors affecting the effect of sediment reduction under the gate, and the exhaust gas pressure is positively correlated with the volume of the scour hole. The nozzle angle of 90° is suitable for the case of small dredging range and deep siltation depth. The nozzle angle of 45° is suitable for the case of large dredging range and medium siltation intensity. Considering the anti-silting effect and economic cost, 2mm nozzle aperture is more suitable for daily anti-silting work.
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