WU Yufu,WU Pan,LU Yan,et al.Discussion on the hydrodynamic responses of rivers and lakes under the gate-controlled schemes of the southern branch of the Xinmeng River[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2024,(02):27-32.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Discussion on the hydrodynamic responses of rivers and lakes under the gate-controlled schemes of the southern branch of the Xinmeng River
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
吴昱甫; 吴攀; 陆彦; 王志力
(南京水利科学研究院,江苏 南京 210029)
- Author(s):
WU Yufu; WU Pan; LU Yan; WANG Zhili
(Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China)
- 关键词:
新孟河引水; 运南支河; 闸控方案; 滆湖; 水量分配
- Keywords:
water diversion through Xinmeng River; the southern branch of the Xinmeng River; gate-controlled scheme; Gehu Lake; water allocation
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
By constructing a one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled river lake hydrodynamic mathematical model in the north of the Taihu Lake basin, this paper simulates and analyzes the influence of the main non gate-controlled tributaries in the southern section of the Xinmeng River extension and dredging project on the hydrodynamic forces of the rivers and Gehu Lake along the water diversion line before and after the gate control is set. The results show that under the control of the estuary gate of the southern branch of the Xinmeng River, the water level and flow velocity of the southern section of the river will significantly increase after water diversion, and the flow into Gehu Lake will increase on the east side of the northern main river. However, the gate control of the branch river is conducive to the increase of the diversion ratio on the west side of the northern main river. The gate control on the east side of the estuary gate of the branch river will lead to a decrease in the water exchange capacity and a weakening of hydrodynamic forces in the northern part of Gehu Lake. The flow of the river on the east side of Gehu Lake is less affected by the gate control of the southern branch river of the Xinmeng River. In order to improve the water diversion efficiency of the Xinmeng River project, implementation suggestions for the gate-controlled scheme of branch river during the water diversion period, non water diversion period, and emergency drainage period were discussed and proposed, providing a certain reference for the operation and optimization scheduling of the Xinmeng River project.
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