LIU Jun,SHI Wei,WANG Xichen,et al.Research on intelligent optimization design of guide vane outlet placement angle for large bulb tubular pump[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2023,(07):1-7,11.
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- Title:
Research on intelligent optimization design of guide vane outlet placement angle for large bulb tubular pump
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
刘军1; 施伟1; 王希晨1; 夏臣智1; 杨港2; 张德胜2*
(1. 南水北调东线江苏水源有限责任公司,江苏 南京 210019;2. 江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心,江苏 镇江 212013)
- Author(s):
LIU Jun1; SHI Wei1; WANG Xichen1; XIA Chenzhi1; YANG Gang2; ZHANG Desheng2*
(1. The Eastern Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Jiangsu Water Resource Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210019, China;2. National Research Center of Pumps and Pumping System, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China)
- 关键词:
灯泡贯流泵; 导叶出口安放角; 优化设计; 效率
- Keywords:
bulb tubular pump; guide vane outlet placement angle; optimization design; efficiency
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- 摘要:
目前贯流泵导叶设计方法与常规轴流泵导叶相同,但是贯流泵导叶轮毂侧的扩散流动导致其流态与轴流泵导叶大不相同,为了进一步改善灯泡体区域及导叶的水力性能,贯流泵导叶的出口安放角作为优化目标,对导叶出口安放角变化规律实现了参数化,采用二次函数曲线拟合导叶出口安放角增量的变化规律,用一种智能优化方法找到从轮毂到轮缘的最优的导叶出口安放角变化规律。采用了最优拉丁超立方、多层前馈神经网络和粒子群算法构建了多目标优化系统。结果表明,泵装置的扬程提高了0.07 m,装置效率提高了1.83%;泵装置的总损失由0.761 m降低到0.624 m,降低了0.137 m;经优化后导叶内部速度分布更加均匀,导叶出口处的脱流现象减缓明显,导叶出口处及灯泡体内的流速分布较为均匀,且流线分布光顺,说明导叶体经优化后可较为理想地对叶轮出口的流动进行调节,保证了导叶内及灯泡体内流动的稳定;其次,对比发现经优化后出水流道内的低速区减少明显,流动紊乱程度降低,从而导致导叶及灯泡体内流动损失的降低。
- Abstract:
At present, the design method of the guide vane of the Bulb tubular pump is the same as that of the conventional axial flow pump. However, the flow pattern of the guide vane of the Bulb tubular pump is different from that of the axial flow pump because of the diffusion flow at the hub side. In order to further improve the sphere area and guide vane hydraulic performance, the guide vane outlet placement Angle of perforating pump was regarded as optimized goal, and the variation rule of guide vane outlet placement Angle was parameterized. Quadratic function curve was used to fit the change rule of guide vane outlet placement Angle increment and intelligent optimization method was used to find the optimal change rule of guide vane outlet placement Angle from hub to rim. A multi-objective optimization system is constructed using Latin Hypercube, multilayer feedforward neural network and particle swarm optimization algorithm. The results show that the pump head increases by 0.07 m, and the pump efficiency increases by 1.83%. The total loss of the pump unit is reduced from 0.761 m to 0.624 m, which is reduced by 0.137 m. After optimization, the velocity distribution inside the guide vane is more uniform, the backflow phenomenon at the guide vane outlet is significantly slowed down, the velocity distribution of the guide vane outlet and the bulb is more uniform, and the streamline distribution is smoother, indicating that the optimized guide vane body can better regulate the flow at the impeller outlet and ensure the stability of the flow in the guide vane and bulb. Secondly, it is found that the low-speed zone of the outlet channel is significantly reduced after optimization, and the flow disturbance degree is reduced, which leads to the decrease of flow loss in the guide vane and the bulb.
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