YAN Hao-chen,WANG Chun-mei.Research on geometry sensitivity of HPTRM-strengthened levee under wave overflow[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2017,(01):51-55.
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- Title:
Research on geometry sensitivity of HPTRM-strengthened levee under wave overflow
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
闫昊晨1; 王春美2
1.河海大学水利水电学院,江苏 南京 210098;
2.江苏省水利科学研究院,江苏 南京 210017
- Author(s):
YAN Hao-chen1; WANG Chun-mei2
1.School of Hydraulic and Hydropower,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,Jiangsu;
2.Hydraulic Research Institute of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210017,Jiangsu
- 关键词:
新型植被海堤; 波浪溢流; 冲刷; 破坏历时; 堤形敏感性
- Keywords:
HPTRM-strengthened levee; wave overflow; erosion; damage duration; geometry sensitivity
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- 摘要:
通过理论分析研究高效加筋草皮垫防护海堤在不同波浪溢流作用下背水侧坡脚处的冲刷变形过程,推导出坡脚冲刷厚度和草皮防护垫破坏历时的经验公式。比较分析5 种不同形态海堤的破坏过程,发现较缓的背水坡坡度以及添加副堤对减轻水流紊动切应力与防冲的效果明显,减小堤顶宽度一定程度上可以降低紊动切应力和冲刷率,而增大迎水侧坡度对坡脚的冲刷率影响不大。
- Abstract:
On the basis of theoretical analysis of erosion deformation process in the levee toe on the dorsal water side under different wave overflow,the equation of slope erosion thickness and turf protection pad damage duration is provided.With the help of analyzing the damage process of five different levee types,a narrower crest width or a lower land-side slope are more effective for the reduction of the bottom shear stress as well as the erosion rate.Besides,an additional mild berm is also helpful to the protection.
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