XU Zhimin,CAI Yiping,WANG Xu,et al.Application of eco-friendly low surface treatment epoxy high-build coating in anti-corrosion maintenance of Jiangsu hydraulic steel structures in province[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2022,(03):5-9.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Application of eco-friendly low surface treatment epoxy high-build coating in anti-corrosion maintenance of Jiangsu hydraulic steel structures in province
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
许志敏1; 蔡一平1; 王煦2; 许志刚3; 时小江4; 陆宝山4
- Author(s):
XU Zhimin1; CAI Yiping1; WANG Xu2; XU Zhigang3; SHI Xiaojiang4; LU Baoshan4
(1.Institute of Material Structure, Jiangsu Hydraulic Research Institute, Yangzhou 225002, China;2.Jiangsu Surveying and Design Institute of Water Resources Co.,Ltd., Yangzhou 225000, China;3.Rudong County Water Affairs Bureau, Nantong 226400, China;4.Rudong County Yangkou Outer Gate Management Office, Nantong 226400, China)
- 关键词:
钢结构; 防腐维修; 环保型; 低表面处理; 环保经济效益
- Keywords:
steel steel structure; anti-corrosion maintenance; eco-friendly; low surface treatment; environmental economic benefits
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The coating maintenance of steel structures is the main task in the anti-corrosion work of hydraulic steel
structures. Traditional anti-corrosion coatings have the problems of high pollution and high energy consumption in
the course of production and application, which can not meet the requirements of national policies and regulations
on green and sustainable development in the new era. Indoor mechanical physical and chemical performance
research, indoor construction performance research, field test research and other means are used to screen coating
formulations. After nearly 10 years of exploration and follow-up observation, eco-friendly low surface treatment
epoxy high-build coating developed has the technical advantages of advanced technology, environmental protection
and energy saving, economical and reasonable. The goal of obtaining high performance of green environmental
protection coating under low surface treatment conditions is achieved. It is an ideal alternative to the traditional
coating process of zinc spraying and anti-corrosion coating with high pollution, and is especially suitable for the onsite
maintenance of steel gate and all kinds of new steel structures.
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- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:许志敏(1968—),女,高级工程师,主要从事水工建筑材料检测及研究工作。Email: 603625240@qq.com
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