ZHAO Renyin,WANG Yeyu,SHI Xiang,et al.Study of mechanical properties of PP fiber reinforced eco-concrete[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2023,(06):11-17,21.
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- Title:
Study of mechanical properties of PP fiber reinforced eco-concrete
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
赵仁银1; 王业宇2; 施翔2; 野博超1; 侯利军1
(1. 河海大学 海岸灾害及防护教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210098;2. 江苏省骆运水利工程管理处,江苏 宿迁 223800)
- Author(s):
ZHAO Renyin1; WANG Yeyu2; SHI Xiang2; YE Bochao1; HOU Lijun1
(1. Key Laboratory of Coastal Disaster and Protection (Hohai University), Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210098, China;2. Luoyun Hydraulic Project Management Division of Jiangsu Province, Suqian 223800, China)
- 关键词:
生态混凝土; 纤维; 抗压; 劈拉; 抗弯; 韧性
- Keywords:
eco-concrete; fiber; compression; splitting tension; anti-bending; toughness
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The addition of chopped fiber is an important method to improve the brittle behavior of eco-concrete. In this study, using polypropylene (PP) fiber as reinforcing fiber, the mechanical properties of eco-concrete with different fiber fractions are investigated through compression, splitting tension and bending tests. The experimental results show that the fiber bridging action can effectively inhibit the extension of microcracks, improve the integrity of specimens subjected to compression failure, and increase the roughness of cross sections under splitting tension and bending failure. Secondly, the addition of fiber slightly reduces the porosity of eco-concrete. In addition, in terms of mechanical properties, the compressive strength only decreases slightly at a fiber fraction lower than 0.3%, while at a fiber fraction of 0.4%, the compressive strength decreases by 23%. Moreover, the splitting tensile strength and flexural strength increase first and then decrease with an increase of fiber fraction, and the performance is better at the fraction of 0.2%. With an increase of fiber fraction, the residual flexural load in the descending section of the load-deflection curve increases gradually, and the flexural toughness is also enhanced correspondingly. Compared with the fraction of PP fiber, the length of PP fiber has slight influence on the porosity and mechanical properties of eco-concrete.
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