[1]龚 严,马彦彬,赵梳坍,等.1996~2015年江苏农作物播种水足迹变化及其驱动因子分析[J].江苏水利,2018,(05):1-6.
GONG Yan,MA Yanbin,ZHAO Shutan,et al.Analysis on change of crop water footprint and its driving factors in Jiangsu province in 1996-2015[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2018,(05):1-6.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Analysis on change of crop water footprint and its driving factors in Jiangsu province in 1996-2015
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
龚 严1; 2; 马彦彬1; 赵梳坍1; 秦 杰1; 陈 丹1; 2*
1.河海大学南方地区高效灌排与农业水土环境教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210098;
2.河海大学农业科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 210098
- Author(s):
GONG Yan1; 2; MA Yanbin1; ZHAO Shutan1; QIN Jie1; CHEN Dan1; 2*
1.Key Laboratory of High-Effective Irrigation and Drainage and Agricultural Water and Soil Environment in Southern China,Ministry of Education,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,Jiangsu; 2.College of Agricultural Science and Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,Jiangsu
- 关键词:
作物水足迹; 农业生产; 种植结构; 通径分析; 江苏
- Keywords:
crop water footprint; agricultural production; planting structure ; path analysis; Jiangsu
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
计算了1996 ~2015 年江苏省农作物播种水足迹,在分析水足迹及其组成变化趋势的基础上,借助通径分析方法对其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:全省年均农作物播种水足迹为702.7 亿m3,其中蓝水、绿水和灰水足迹分别为83.5 亿m3、477.5 亿m3 及141.3 亿m3;水足迹总量及其各组成成分均呈先减小后增大最终趋于平稳的变化趋势,各组成占总水足迹的比例基本保持不变;稻谷、小麦、水果、棉花等作物水足迹随时间呈现不同的变化趋势,而豆类、花生等作物未出现明显的变化特征。区域经济发展程度和种植结构能直接影响区域作物播种水足迹,其中控制高耗水作物比重和耕地灌溉率是对其进行调控的有效手段。
- Abstract:
The water footprint of crops in Jiangsu province from 1996 to 2015 was calculated.The influencing factors were studied by path analysis on the basis of analyzing the trend of water footprint and its composition change.The results showed that the average crop water footprint was 70270 million m3, among which the footprints of blue water, green water and grey water were respe ctively 8.35 billion m3, 477.5 billion m3 and 14.13 billion m3.The total amount of water footprint and its constituent components both decreas ed and then increased to a stable trend.The proportion of the total water footprint was basically unchanged.The water footprint of rice, wheat, fruit and cotton showed different trends over time, while the crops such as beans and peanuts did not show obvious changes.The degree of regional economic development and planting structure could directly affect the regional crop sowing water footprint.Controlling the proportion of high water consumption crops and the irrigation rate of cultivated land was an effective way for its near regulation.
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