[1]袁 尧,李忠斌,许旭东,等.基于流固耦合的立轴旋转钢闸门的应力应变分析[J].江苏水利,2021,(07):5-9+18.
YUAN Yao,LI Zhongbin,XU Xudong,et al.Stress-strain analysis of vertical axis rotary steel gate based on fluid-solid coupling[J].JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES,2021,(07):5-9+18.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Stress-strain analysis of vertical axis rotary steel gate based on fluid-solid coupling
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
袁 尧1; 李忠斌2; 许旭东1; 沈强儒3; 杨 帆2
(1.江苏省水利科学研究院,江苏 南京 210017; 2.扬州大学,江苏 扬州 225127; 3.南通大学,江苏 南通 226019)
- Author(s):
YUAN Yao1; LI Zhongbin2; XU Xudong1; SHEN Qiangru3; YANG Fan2
(1.Jiangsu Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Nanjing 210017,China; 2.Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225127,China; 3.Nantong University,Nantong 226109,China)
- 关键词:
立轴旋转钢闸门; 流固耦合; 应力; 应变; 数值模拟
- Keywords:
vertical axis rotary steel gate; fluid-solid coupling; stress; strain; numerical simulation
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
立轴旋转钢闸门广泛应用于中小型水利工程中,为明确立轴旋转钢闸门的工作受力特征,采用流固耦合方法对立轴旋转钢闸门不同工况时应力应变进行计算分析,获得不同工况下立轴旋转钢闸门的应力应变变化规律。结果表明:在立轴旋转钢闸门全闭时,相对集中应力区发生在下支撑处和联轴器端面,最大应力为20.06 MPa,为材料允许应力的8.7%,此时立轴旋转钢闸门中间区域变形最大,最大变形量为0.076 mm; 在立轴旋转钢闸门全开时,相对集中应力区发生在联轴器端面,最大应力为11.4 MPa,为材料允许应力的4.9%,立轴旋转钢闸门两侧变形较大,最大变形量为0.0172 mm。
- Abstract:
Vertical axis rotary steel gate is widely used in small and medium-sized hydraulic engineering. In order to clarify the working force characteristics of vertical axis rotary steel gate,fluid-solid coupling method was used to calculate and analyze the stress and strain of vertical axis rotary steel gate under different working conditions,and the stress-strain variation rule of vertical axis rotary steel gate under different working conditions was obtained. The results showed that when the vertical axis rotary steel gate was fully closed,the relative concentrated stress zone occurred at the lower support and the end face of the coupling,and the maximum stress was 20.06 MPa,which was 8.7% of the allowable stress of the material. At this time,the deformation of the middle area of the vertical axis rotary steel gate was the maximum,and the maximum deformation was 0.076 mm. When the vertical axis rotary steel gate was fully open,the relative concentrated stress zone occurred at the end face of the coupling,with the maximum stress of 11.4 MPa,which was 4.9% of the allowable stress of the material. The deformation on both sides of the vertical axis rotary steel gate was large,with the maximum deformation of 0.0172 mm.
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